Man Thinks He Saved A 'Puppy' - When Vet Sees It, He Says, "You're Not Supposed To See This"

The story starts below
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Peter was walking through a wooded area when he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the bushes that caught his attention. He decided to take a look and to his surprise saw a strange pink creature. When he looked closer, he thought it was a puppy, but he wasn't sure. He decided to take him to the vet. Upon arrival, the vet immediately said: "Where did you get that from? You're not supposed to see that at all!"

A bizarre outburst
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Peter and his wife Bianca were completely caught off guard by the vet’s reaction. They had expected that he might have been surprised by the appearance of the puppy, but this outburst felt way out of line. But the vet had a very good reason

He knew this animal
Ground Picture/
Source: Ground Picture/

Because unlike Peter and Biance, and anybody they had spoken to so far, the vet actually knew what animal they were dealing with her. It was most definitely not a puppy and not something that Peter should have ever gotten his hands on

The shocking truth
Source: goodluz/

When the vet finally told the couple the truth, they could not believe how stupid they had been. They have made a big mistake taking this creature home…

But what was this strange naked animal really? Why did the vet have such an extreme reaction and in how much trouble was Peter?

A strange sound
Source: Stock-Asso/

It was a sound that Peter was not at all familiar with. He had walked in these woods many times as a child and an adult but never heard anything like this before. And he could not help that it now piqued his curiosity. He needed to find the source. But in hindsight, he wishes that he had just kept walking that faithful day…

Checking the bushes
Source: Stock-Asso/

The sound led Peter off the forest path and to a couple of bushes. Having no idea what he was dealing with, Peter knew that he had to act carefully. But when he pushed some of the bushes aside and found the creature producing this strange sound, he was quickly at ease 

A strange animal
Source: Elarie01/

This animal looked anything but dangerous. But the more the looked at it, the less he could make sense of what it actually was. It was clearly a young animal, but Peter was not sure what kind exactly. All he could speculate was that it looked most like a strange puppy. But he would turn out to be very wrong with this assessment.

Unsure of what he found
Source: Stock-Asso/

But despite him not knowing what animal this was exactly, he did understand why it was making this sound. This “puppy’ was much too young o survive here without his mother and seeing how thin it had become, Peter suspected that its mother had not been here in a while

Taking or leaving it?
Source: Stock-Asso/

So Peter was left with a difficult decision to make. Would he leave the puppy here in the hopes that its mother would come back to feed and protect it, or was he going to take matters into his own hands and bring this puppy with him back to the city?

In a bad state
miguel curiel mena/
Source: miguel curiel mena/

Seeing the state that this poor animal was in, the decision was not a hard one to make. He very carefully reached out to the puppy and lifted the animal up. He got a small bag with him in which the puppy fit perfectly. But the animal did not stop making its crying sounds. It was obviously stressed.

The vet was closed
Source: Lia_Tsvet/

It was about an hour walking back to the city and this gave Peter enough time to figure out what he wanted to do next. He could not go to the vet as he was not open on the weekend. Only for emergencies but that would cost a lot more money. Money that Peter was not willing to spend.