Man Thinks He Saved A 'Puppy' - When Vet Sees It, He Says, "You're Not Supposed To See This"

The story starts below
Source: Youtube

Peter was walking through a wooded area when he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the bushes that caught his attention. He decided to take a look and to his surprise saw a strange pink creature. When he looked closer, he thought it was a puppy, but he wasn't sure. He decided to take him to the vet. Upon arrival, the vet immediately said: "Where did you get that from? You're not supposed to see that at all!"

A bizarre outburst
Source: Kmpzzz/

Peter and his wife Bianca were completely caught off guard by the vet’s reaction. They had expected that he might have been surprised by the appearance of the puppy, but this outburst felt way out of line. But the vet had a very good reason

He knew this animal
Ground Picture/
Source: Ground Picture/

Because unlike Peter and Biance, and anybody they had spoken to so far, the vet actually knew what animal they were dealing with her. It was most definitely not a puppy and not something that Peter should have ever gotten his hands on

The shocking truth
Source: goodluz/

When the vet finally told the couple the truth, they could not believe how stupid they had been. They have made a big mistake taking this creature home…

But what was this strange naked animal really? Why did the vet have such an extreme reaction and in how much trouble was Peter?

A strange sound
Source: Stock-Asso/

It was a sound that Peter was not at all familiar with. He had walked in these woods many times as a child and an adult but never heard anything like this before. And he could not help that it now piqued his curiosity. He needed to find the source. But in hindsight, he wishes that he had just kept walking that faithful day…

Checking the bushes
Source: Stock-Asso/

The sound led Peter off the forest path and to a couple of bushes. Having no idea what he was dealing with, Peter knew that he had to act carefully. But when he pushed some of the bushes aside and found the creature producing this strange sound, he was quickly at ease 

A strange animal
Source: Elarie01/

This animal looked anything but dangerous. But the more the looked at it, the less he could make sense of what it actually was. It was clearly a young animal, but Peter was not sure what kind exactly. All he could speculate was that it looked most like a strange puppy. But he would turn out to be very wrong with this assessment.

Unsure of what he found
Source: Stock-Asso/

But despite him not knowing what animal this was exactly, he did understand why it was making this sound. This “puppy’ was much too young o survive here without his mother and seeing how thin it had become, Peter suspected that its mother had not been here in a while

Taking or leaving it?
Source: Stock-Asso/

So Peter was left with a difficult decision to make. Would he leave the puppy here in the hopes that its mother would come back to feed and protect it, or was he going to take matters into his own hands and bring this puppy with him back to the city?

In a bad state
miguel curiel mena/
Source: miguel curiel mena/

Seeing the state that this poor animal was in, the decision was not a hard one to make. He very carefully reached out to the puppy and lifted the animal up. He got a small bag with him in which the puppy fit perfectly. But the animal did not stop making its crying sounds. It was obviously stressed.

The vet was closed
Source: Lia_Tsvet/

It was about an hour walking back to the city and this gave Peter enough time to figure out what he wanted to do next. He could not go to the vet as he was not open on the weekend. Only for emergencies but that would cost a lot more money. Money that Peter was not willing to spend.

Confident he could care for it
G-Stock Studio/
Source: G-Stock Studio/

But Luckily Peter was also confident in his own ability to take care of a puppy. They had a dog at home and when he still lived with his parents, they actually had their dog deliver a litter of puppies that he was more than willing to help with. If only he knew what animal he was really dealing with…

Needing milk
Source: Madcat_Madlove/

The most important thing he needed for this animal was puppy milk and while he did not have a dog that could provide that (His own dog is male), he did know that you can buy adequate substitutes at the pet store. And so on his way home, he went by one. 

People had questions
Source: Mangostar/

He still had the strange-looking puppy with him though, and it was drawing a lot of eyes on the store. People had not seen any creature that looked like this before and naturally, Peter started to get questions about it. But his answers left most people unsatisfied

Not agreeing with Peter

The fact that he had just taken this creature out of the forest rubbed some people the wrong way. And while he believed that he was saving a puppy here, a lot of people were thinking that this was not a puppy at all. But they could also not tell him what he was actually dealing with here

Caught off guard - Yuri A/
Source: - Yuri A/

There are a lot of creatures living in the forest of which we have no idea how their babies look. It could easily have very much belonged in the forest and Peter was interfering in something he had no business in. Peter was very much surprised by this negative reaction, mainly because he did not see it like that at all

Doing something noble
Source: wavebreakmedia/

In his mind, he was doing something very noble. He was making an effort to save a defenseless and helpless creature! Peter quickly bought the mild he needed and made his way out of the store. He did not need this. And besides, he was still convinced that he was dealing with a puppy of some sort. And he was sure the vet would confirm that to him tomorrow

Keeping this animal alive
Source: Stokkete/

For now, he was going to do everything in his power to keep this animal alive. It had stopped its crying a little while ago, but Peter was pretty sure that it was from exhaustion. With how weak it looked, it probably did not have the energy to put up much of a fuss

His wife was surprised
Andrii Iemelianenko/
Source: Andrii Iemelianenko/

Back home, Peter started preparing the milk before even telling his wife Bianca that he had brought something home. And she walked in on him giving the animal the bottle and was stunned by what she was witnessing. But she did not have time to be shocked for too long as she was forced to act very quickly

Their dog went crazy
Zivica Kerkez/
Source: Zivica Kerkez/

Just behind her, their dog Benjamin also walked into the room and the moment he laid eyes on the creature in Peter’s hand, he charged him and started to bark as loud as he could. Bianca just about managed to grab him by the collar and pull him back. They had never seen their dog behave like this

Never reacted like this before
Source: ArtOfPhotos/

Peter put the animal down for a second and helped Bianca get Benjamin into another room. But even with the door closed, the dog did not stop barking. They were both completely caught off guard by this behavior as Biance herself was notorious for bringing in animals she found and Benjamin had never reacted like that before. What made this animal so different?

Inspecting the animal
Astakhin Evgeny/
Source: Astakhin Evgeny/

With the peace returned to the room a bit, Bianca could finally take a closer look at the animal that her husband had brought in while Peter went back to giving it milk. The animal was drinking as much of it as possible and it started to look better by the second

Not sure it’s a puppy
Source: EugeneEdge/

And while Peter was still very sure that he was dealing with a puppy, Bianca was not so sure. Unlike the people at the pet store, she was actually very happy that Peter brought it home and thinks that he might have saved the creature's life because of this. But she just does not recognize a dog in it.

Trying to find it online
Source: DenPhotos/

She took a couple of pictures of it and while Peter was making a place for the creature to spend the night, she actually took it upon herself to look online if she could find anything that resembled this very strange-looking baby animal. She was determined!

A mystery
Source: fizkes/

But no matter how much Bianca tried, she found nothing that made her sure of what this animal could be. And she actually started to believe that it was a dog after all as there were so many kinds of puppies around. And if one lost most of its hairs, it could theoretically look like this animal

Needing to see the vet
Source: Andrey_Popov/

But she also knew that maybe only the vet could give them an answer with any kind of confidence. And so she was happy that Peter had set up an appointment for the next day, early in the morning. She did not want to wait long for answers

Making it through the night
Source: fizkes/

Even though the puppy had drunk a lot of milk and was doing a lot better by the looks of things, Peter was still afraid it might not make it through the night. What if it had a bad reaction to the milk or if it was too cold? He could not explain why he cared so much but he did…

Staying up all night
Alessandro de Leo/
Source: Alessandro de Leo/

And so Peter decided to stay up all night to keep an eye on the animal. Bianca was very surprised that he husband was willing to make such a sacrifice for an animal that he had only found a couple of hours ago. She had never seen this side of her husband before.

It did very well
 Astakhin Evgeny/
Source: Astakhin Evgeny/

And Luckily for Peter, the animal made it through the night without many problems. It woke up a couple of times and Peter gave it one more bottle of milk. And Bianca even came to him around 3 o’clock to keep watch over the animal so that he could still get some sleep

Bianca was proud of Peter

She definitely did not feel a similar connection to the creature as Peter, but she had a lot of respect for what he did, and wanted to support him however so could. She was also planning on joining him at the doctor's the next morning. She was too curious not to…

Making it through the night
Source: Elarie01/

The animal actually managed to make it through the night all right. It was still sleeping when Peter woke up from his couple hours of rest and he and Bianca just looked at the very peaceful animal. Peter felt more and more confident in his decision to take it home

Making it comfortable
New Africa/
Source: New Africa/

The appointment with the vet was in about 1 hour so they had to get things ready. The couple only had a pretty sizable cage for their own dog which they could use to transport the baby animal. But they made sure to pack it with soft blankets to make it at least comfortable

Non stop screaming
 Dmitriev Mikhail/
Source: Dmitriev Mikhail/

But the animal seemed to be anything but comfortable in there, as the moment the cage door shut behind it, the creature woke and started to try and find a way out of its enclosure. And when it found out its attempts were in fain, it just started to make a lot of noise

Their dog was reacting
Sharon Feragotti/
Source: Sharon Feragotti/

The noise actually got their own dog to react with loud howling and scratching the door. It had not been in the same room as the animal ever since their first encounter yesterday, where their dog tried to attack the poor creature, What was it that drew such a reaction from their normally calm feline friend?

Ignoring the signs
Sergey Mironov/
Source: Sergey Mironov/

For now, they decided to ignore the dog's reaction. Biance quickly took him out for a walk, while Peter made the final preparations for their departure. He expected to only be away for a couple of hours at most, but he could have never predicted what was set to happen at the vet that day…

A short drive
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Source: Ground Picture/

When Bianca got back, the pair got straight into the car with the creature still in the cage and still screaming its lungs out. Luckily it was only a short drive to the vet because they could not stand this noise much longer. They did not know an animal this small, could produce so much sound

Drawing attention at the vet
Tyler Olson/
Source: Tyler Olson/

When they arrived at the vet’s office, they immediately drew the attention of everybody in the waiting room. At first, it was because of the noise the animal was making. But past that, it was mainly the strange appearance of the creature that kept people looking and talking

Asking a lot of questions
Evgeniy Kalinovskiy/
Source: Evgeniy Kalinovskiy/

Many were not shy in asking Peter and Bianca about what animal this was, how they had acquired it, and why they were bringing it to the vet today. And the couple were more than happy to answer all these questions as they felt like there was no reason to be secretive about it or something

A lot of speculation
Source: Andrey_Popov/

After their answers, the people here could not help themselves from starting to speculate on what this animal could be. Some people still thought that it might be a puppy (and Peter was among those), but most did not see this as a possibility 

The vet got involved

It definitely kept the room interested and talking. So much so that when the vet was ready to call in the next patient, he also took notice of the commotion and went over to see what was happening exactly. And he was stunned by what he saw screaming in the oversized cage

Moving the appointment up

He announced to the room that some patients might have a wait a little bit longer because he needed to see this creature urgently. Peter and Biance needed to come into his office right away and not a lot of people protested it. If the vet saw an emergency, they had to respect that 

Not sure how to feel
Crime Art/
Source: Crime Art/

The couple themselves were a bit surprised. Of course, they liked the fact that they did not have to wait as long, but they were also concerned that the vet felt the need to see them even sooner than they had originally planned., Could there be something wrong with the animal they did not know about?

The vet was nervous

When they got into the office, they saw that the vet looked very nervous and impatient. He wanted them to put the cage on the table immediately and open it up to get a better look at the animal. He really studied it carefully and only did a couple of quick medical-related checks

Going into another room
 Studio Romantic/
Source: Studio Romantic/

Then the vet put the animal in its cage again and told the couple that he needed to do some tests on the animal in the other room, as he did not have the right equipment there. At this point, Peter and Bianca saw no reason to question to vet. But they most definitely should have done that…

No screaming?
Antonio Guillem/
Source: Antonio Guillem/

The vet took the caged animal into the back and to the couple's surprise, it actually stopped screaming very quickly after the vet closed the door behind him. They could only speculate that the animal was let out of the cage again because inside there was seemingly no way of silencing it

Having to wait a while
Antonio Guillem/
Source: Antonio Guillem/

They were very impatient for the vet to come back as they really wanted to ask the man what kind of animal they were dealing with. The anticipation was killing and it was starting to turn into impatience as the vet stayed away for a long time and they had no indication of when they were set to return

Trying to find the vet
Source: Prostock-studio/

Peter got so fed up with waiting that he even tried to go through the same door the vet had gone to ask him what was taking so long. But this door was not locked and the only way in and out of the office right now was the normal entrance. But behind that door, a nasty surprise waited for Peter

2 police officers
Source: antoniodiaz/

When he opened the door, he was greeted by the sight of 2 police officers who were waiting there. Peter was taken aback by this, but even more when he was told that he and Bianca needed to wait in the officer for the time being. They needed to be patient while they were figuring this all out

Something to do with the animal
Source: antoniodiaz/

After recovering from the shock, Peter demanded an explanation. But the officer did not feel the need to tell him anything other than that it had something to do with the baby animal that he and Bianca had brought in. Something that Peter himself could have guessed of course

Feeling defeated
Source: Themalni/

Peter walked back into the officer feeling defeated as hell. What had he gotten Bianca and himself into here? All he had wanted to do was help this poor animal. But it was now starting to look like that was a big mistake. But Peter knew that he had done nothing wrong and he was willing to die on that hill.

Complying with the police
Africa Studio/
Source: Africa Studio/

They still did not know what they had done wrong or what was going on with this animal, when the police officers came into the office and asked the couple to come with them to the station for some questioning. Peter and Bianca knew that they had no other choice but to comply here

Seeing the vet

On the out of the office, he actually saw the vet look at them with disappointment in his eyes. And Peter could not help himself. He asked the vet what they had done wrong or why he called the police. And the answer he got would stay with him for a very long time…

“You were not supposed to see this!”
Source: fizkes/

“You were not supposed to see this! This animal should have never been in your possession”. Peter was stunned by this response and he did not really know how to react. He had found this damn creature in the forest. How was he supposed to know that he should have just left it there!?

A silent ride
Source: Adwo/

The ride to the police station was silent. Not even Peter and Bianca wanted to say a word to each other, afraid that they might reveal something to the police that could work against them. All Peter told Bianca that they would be completely honest and transparent no matter what

Waiting together
Antonio Guillem/
Source: Antonio Guillem/

Peter expected that he and Bianca would be questioned separately as that is what he always saw in all the moving. The police wanted to see if their stories matched up or something. But that was not the case as the couple was placed in a room together and left alone for a little bit

Needing answers
Antonio Guillem/
Source: Antonio Guillem/

Now they had the opportunity to talk among themselves about what the hell was going on here. They tried to figure out what possible reason the police could have to arrest them in a situation like this. But it felt like the only way they were going to get any clarity was by learning the identity of the animal

Officer Michael
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Source: Ground Picture/

Not much later a police officer walked into the room with a relatively relaxed look on his face. A sharp contrast to how Peter and Biance were feeling right now. The officer introduced himself and Officer Michael and told the couple that he wanted them to explain exactly what had happened

How did they get the animal?
Antonio Guillem/
Source: Antonio Guillem/

He was mainly curious as to how they had gotten the animal in their possession and what they had done with it in the time from when they obtained it, to when they brought it to the vet. And Peter tried to be completely transparent about this.

A big coincidence?
Ranta Images/
Source: Ranta Images/

The story made sense to the officer but he still had a hard time believing that Peter just happened to find this animal in the forest. That would be a very big coincidence, that the officer did not see as likely. At least, not at first

He believed the couple
Ranta Images/
Source: Ranta Images/

The more he talked to Peter and Biance, the more it became clear to him that they had no good reason to have this animal in their possession for any other reason than just pure coincidence and wanting to help a defenseless animal. The only conclusion he could come to was that Peter was innocent

Demanding answers
Antonio Guillem/
Source: Antonio Guillem/

And while Peter and Bianca were very glad to hear the “verdict” they were also even more annoyed that it was now clear that they had been arrested for nothing and still did not even really know what they were suspected of. They demanded answers right now

A baby Babirusa
Source: Elarie01/

And luckily, this officer was willing to give them what they wanted. Starting off with the animal itself. Most people were right. They had not been dealing with a puppy at all. The strange-looking animal was actually a baby Babirusa. Peter and Bianca just looked at each other confused

Never heard of it before
Source: Gumbariya/

They had never before heard of this animal, but the officer assured them that this was not strange. He did not know about its existence either until today. It was not native to this part of the world at all. But there were actually a couple present close by here

The animal turned out to be a baby Babirusa. Its mother had escaped from the zoo and given birth in the forest
Bill Roque/
Source: Bill Roque/

Apparently, the zoo had a couple of Babirusa’s. And the one female they had, had been pregnant up to a couple of days ago. But there was a problem. The female had escaped just days before she was said to deliver and when she was found again, the baby was gone

Thinking it was stolen
Ground Picture/
Source: Ground Picture/

Babirusa’s are rare and so the zoo speculated that somebody had stolen the female to have the baby for him or herself. The zoo had already enlisted the help of the police and alerted all the animal-related professionals in the area, like vets, to be on the lookout for the baby

Convinced of their innocence
Ranta Images/
Source: Ranta Images/

But now the police officer was convinced that the mother Babirusa had gotten out of her enclosure on her own, in a desperate attempt to find the perfect place to give birth. But she was sadly captured again without her baby